Monday, June 29, 2015
Feed My Sheep
The sheep here in Denmark are definitely getting fat!! hahaha!
But worry not, dear family and friends, not only the sheep of the ~Ovis aries~ kind are being fed - we've been having some great work among our investigators, or as I like to call them, our dear friends here in Denmark :)
My time here in Denmark has allowed me to meet some of the most fantastic people in the world! And to think that I would never had known they existed if I hadn't been right here, right now! One of these wonderful souls is an investigator we have named Thomas. He is absolutely fantastic, and actually contacted the sisters here in this library! He is so sincere and honest in his search for truth, and he helps me to see just how important that search is in this life. Though he has been through hard times in his life, he looks to God in all he does, and is willing to do whatever it takes to become the man that God intends for him to be :)
In Doctrine and Covenants section 50, verse 24, we read that ''That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.'' One of the most important things we can do while we're here in this life is to continue to learn and grow as much as we possibly can- and on the way, spread that light that we recieve :)
As we do our best to live the Doctrine of Christ and to follow the council and teachings of the prophets, both ancient and modern, we will have the ability to light the way for those around us. But, as our beloved Prophet Thomas S Monson has said, ''If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself.'' I hope you all work hard every day in order to qualify to have the constant companionship of the Holy Spirit, and that you will guide others to Christ by what you say and what you do <3
I am so thankful for this opportunity to be here in Roskilde, and to meet so many wonderful people!! Sister Landvatter and I are focusing really hard this week on finding new investigators!! Roskilde Festival begun, which means really crazy drunk parties are happening all around here in Roskilde!! Super Fun! haha, it's going to be a great week!
Speaking of Sister Landvatter, it's the beginning of week 3 together, and y'all still haven't seen what this little doll looks like!!!
I also need to wish A Very Happy 23rd Birthday to Big Brother!!
And to finish today off, ''A Giant Hug to all the world, from the foggy shore of the Roskilde Fjord'' (I just came up with that rhyme on the spot!! Whatup?? HC Andersen is rubbing off on me!! hahaha)
I hope you all have a great rest of your day, and a wonderful week :) Until we meet again!! <3
Monday, June 15, 2015
Transfer 6 in The Land
Today marks the beginning of a new Transfer, and a new Companionship! A big hearty welcome to Sister Landvatter!!! (I'll have Pictures next week of us :) )
I'm excited to have another great companionship here in Roskilde! The sky is blue and the birds are singing, and we're getting pumped for some great events coming up!
The most exciting news of the week: Our Investigator Britt has a baptismal date :) She is so amazing, and we are so excited that she has taken this leap of faith :) She is working hard on quitting smoking, and has already given up coffee, all on her own!! Way to go, Britt!! :)
Some fun Things from the week:
as a district, we all pitched in to buy this huge icecream cone: 20 scoops with a swirl of soft serve, topped with raspberry sauce and 4 flødeboller! My goodness, it was a treat!
sister Noorda and I tried catching some Jellyfish in the fjord (in Danish, they're called vandemænd, which translates in to ''Water men''). It didn't turn out so well, we had a couple of issues....
I fed some sheep and a goat!! The Pictures are on Sister Noorda's camera, so I'll get them next week :)
Our investigators are doing well :) We have many wonderful people that we Work with, and I still pinch myself when I think about how Lucky I am to be here and to know them :) wow, life is just wonderful!! :)
It was super great to hear from all of you this week :) I'm glad that you are all doing so well :D
I hope you all have a fantastic week!! :) I'll talk to you all later!!! :) <3
-Søster Soelberg
Monday, June 8, 2015
Dear Friends and Family!!
Time really does fly!! It's incredible! I'm sad that this email will be pretty short because I lost track of time here in the library, and spent a lot of time answering back to other emails!! :) But know that I love you all!!
This past week was actually full of canceled appoinments, but fear not! We still have success!! We had wonderful lessons with absolutely wonderful people, and it was such a privilage to participate in them!
It's looking like this is going to be Sister Noorda's last week here in Roskilde :( We find out about the new areas for the missionaries on Wednesday, and then transfers will be on Monday next week! Sister Noorda has already been here over 6 months, so we're all pretty sure she's on her way out!
We had a spectacular Multi-Stake conference yesterday with Elder Holland! I am always impressed by his incredible testimony and love of the Savior!! We also had an awesome Zone Conference this past week! It was all great!
Um, sadly, I don't really know what to say with this shortened amount of time, so I will just send all the pictures I've been meaning to :D okay? okay! <3
I hope you all have a great week!! <3 Jeg elsker jer!!
-Sister Soelberg
PS- Another proof that time flies is that today is my 8 month mark!! Crazy!!!
Monday, June 1, 2015
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for this poem by Robert Frost :) After taking an English Literature class, I was able to appreciate it even more!! But now, looking back on the path that my life has taken, I am able to Understand even better just how important it is to use the wonderful gift of Agency that our Father in Heaven has blessed us with.Missionary work is hard. Like, really hard! I'm sure you all have gotten the picture from previous emails, but just to hit it home again, I'll illustrate it for you again. I wake up every morning, and honestly have to mentally prepare myself for endless hours of rejection and people literally ignorning me/laughing at me just because I have a nametag over my heart with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on it. But no matter how many times people say ''Nej, tak,'' I am still constantly happy and bubbly and ready to go talk to the next person/knock on the next door - and I know that it is all because I am doing what the Lord would have me do with my life at this moment.
Agency (I love it in Danish- Handlefrihed - directly translated as Action-Free-ness) , or the ability to choose for one's self, is a fantastic gift. We all have it, and we are all able to allow others to have it. Agency what allows us to be here on this earth! Before my mission, I really had no clear idea about how/why it was so important. But now I know, without a doubt, that it really is one of the most fantastic gifts in the world!! I am blessed to witness the immense change that individuals go through as they make the choice to actively follow and serve the Lord.
There will always be things in life that are hard. For me, I came to realize that all the struggles I was going through before my mission all led me to learning how to make a major decision for myself. I was receiving no 100% Yes or No answer about either option of the choice that I had to make - to either stay home and continue with my normal life or go on a mission and leave everything behind for a year and a half. It all came down to a personal desire to serve the Lord the best that I could at this moment in my life. ''Good, Better, Best.''
It's just like the poem by Robert Frost, ''The Road Not Taken.'' The point of the poem isn't that the individual took the road less popular - the point of the poem is that he made a decision, and followed through, enjoying every bit of the road he took - and that made all the difference.
Sometimes, it's extrememly difficult to make a difference between two things that will surely continue to aid in the progress of the Lord's kingdom, personally and as a whole. I was struggling quite a lot, and really did feel as if the Lord had abandoned me in those few months as I had that single, ginormous question that I could not find peace from. But looking back, I can see all the small things that have lead me to where I am now; and I am constantly finding tender mercies that help me to always cherish and treasure every bit of the road I have taken.
I know that my Redeemer lives, and loves me to the end!! Yesterday, I had the special opportunity of really learning for myself (again) that I am supposed to be here in Denmark at this moment of time.
I love you all, and I look forward from hearing from you next week :) You're all so stellar!!! <3
-Søster Soelberg
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